Seattle motorcycle accidents increase | Seattle personal injury attorney

14:56 Publicado por Mario Galarza

As the warm summer days begin to fade, I hope that is the height of the fatal speed motorcycle accidents and slow start. As Seattle motorcycle accident lawyer helped I several motorcyclists, that their lives back together after by a driver, not only on the road look. But every summer it is a significant increase of motorcyclists killed control are, because they lost and reckless speeds were riding on her bike.

Last Friday afternoon no exception, as a 28-year-old Brandon Butler was killed, speed up Interstate 5 in Tacoma, Washington came. According to the State patrol was Butler speed up and attempt to change lanes when he crashes his bike control first into the concrete barrier, and then in a traffic sign on the back lost. Butler, was Sergeant in the United States air force, was pronounced dead at the scene, and is the fourth member of the military in a high speed motorcycle accident in Washington since April of this year to die.

As last motorcyclists me, I know the joys of riding, especially on a beautiful summer day, but I have also experienced firsthand the dangers of riding as I distracted was hit driver from one. Too many riders put their lives at stake when they try and drive at full speed, and so few have the experience necessary to their bike quickly to deal with that. As Seattle personal injury attorney quickly I have seen, that far too many riders because they thought you were killed, above the law and that she could experience, such as they. But regardless of how much experience you have or how well can you think, you are, there is a reason, speed limits, and we all need to learn to slow down.

Tags: Bellevue car crash lawyer, Brandon Butler in Brandon Butler motorcycle accident, Brandon Butler Tacoma motorcycle accident, Seattle motorcycle accident lawyer, motorcycle accident, Seattle personal injury attorney killed


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