Father pushes car 3-year-old son

20:32 Publicado por Mario Galarza

3-year-old pushed from carChild safety while driving should all parents top priority; Unfortunately, not all parents are responsible, as it should be. I see work as in a Seattle car accident law firm in Tacoma personal injury lawyer children way too often as a result of the negligence of one of the parents hurt. Safety and life of your child should be jeopardised never, because you have a bad day.

Sunday night was a 3-year-old boy from a moving vehicle by his father had pushed before recently Fought with the young child mother. The parents who are separated, began arguing as the father was the young without a car seat pick up for him. The father took the young child brought him into the car and drove away. Tacoma police were called and arrived just in time, to see the mother house, the dad drag back to the House, selling the child out of the car on the sidewalk and then speed on the road. Unfortunately, the father end not the incredibly bad decisions. After acceleration on the road at around 90 mph, he ran a red light and crashed into two other cars personal injuries to three caused innocent victims.

Tacoma police initially thought that the man about his son had run after he pushed him out of the car, but the young had luck and suffered only minor personal injuries. The other victims who were injured in the accident had to be transported to an area hospital. Security is extremely important, while in the car, and not only the father took his son without cars place, but he pushed him out of the car and drove away. With this kind of negligence, should he not allowed to be alone to his son for a very long time.

Tags: 3 years pushed old car, Seattle car accident law firm, Tacoma child injuries, Tacoma personal injury lawyer, Tacoma pushed police, Tacoma toddler that from toddler car out car from father


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