How much confidence you your GPS? Would you follow it in a Lake?

10:57 Publicado por Mario Galarza

For those of us, the Office we all remember the episode see me as Michael accidentally drove into a Lake, as its GPS said to him. I know, when I saw this episode, I laughed thinking me, that it was funny, because nobody really, it could happen only on the Office, which would do in real life. As a Seattle car accident lawyer working at a Renton personal injury law firm, I know that each car is different and I have seen and heard on hundreds of different situations. But I have to admit that I would have never thought that I would see it.

Wednesday morning was drafted a Mercedes SUV by the Mercer Slough in Bellevue after a woman below them a boat ramp and drove into the water because she follow your GPS. Three women from Mexico, who were in town for a Costco Convention, were in the car head back to their hotel in Bellevue, when they took the wrong ramp and ended up going to West-90-East. You disabled Bellevue way and followed the GPS route down a boat ramp and directly into the water. Fortunately no one was hurt, but the women were soaking wet when they finally got out of the water. The women told Bellevue police that but obviously get a wrong somewhere turn the statements to the top they were made. I would say this is a little more than a wrong turn.

As a lawyer Bellevue car accident, I know that it simply to rely on and everything else your GPS tells you to do, but have some common sense, if the information can be to trust. It turns out blindly to follow directions tropfnass leave could and could not your Mercedes in a Slough, a tow truck to pull it.

Tags: Bellevue-car accident lawyer, Bellevue police, GPS leads women, boat ramp, GPS leads women into the water, Renton personal drive in Mercer Slough Seattle car accident lawyer, law firm, women, women follow boat ramp directions to below


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