Wrong-way car crash kills Azle mother

19:24 Publicado por Mario Galarza

A wrong way car accident took the life of a young mother of Azle on Sunday morning in the vicinity of the Texas Motor Speedway in Interstate 35W. A truck was North South streets travel, when a Ford minibus, with seven people taken. After hitting the van, the truck spun around and was with three people in broadsided by a Nissan Altima.

The passenger in the wrong-way truck, Brandi blue, died at the scene of the accident. A total 10 people in the accident were injured, although none of their injuries were to life-threatening. The southbound lanes were closed for six hours on Sunday so that Northlake police could investigate the wreck. Still no word on what caused the pickup truck driver in the wrong direction to go.

It seems, as the number of wrong-way unfortunately car accidents in DFW on the rise. These wrecks of almost always serious and fatal accidents are typically induced by alcohol. If you have a wrong-way driver, you call the police not only for the safety of the driver, but also for the safety of the drivers behind you. If you drive late at night on the highway, try from the left lane. Drunk or impaired drivers drive on the left lane, who thinks that it is a two-lane highway the wrong way.
If you ever are caused by a wrong way driver in a car accident, and need help to figure out what to do, call my law accidents and injuries in Fort worth for consulting firm.

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