New laws in Texas take aim drunk drivers

18:38 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Despite inexcusable to use veto Governor Rick Perry to a Bill which some SMS during the ride in Texas would have forbidden good came from the last parliamentary term condition - at least as far as transport is concerned safety.

As Fort Worth personal injury lawyer I, so I'm glad to see two new laws on these irresponsible idiots applies there are a big problem with drunken drivers, the lives of others at risk to put that by you intoxicated behind the wheel. A law is allows local police get an arrest warrant on suspected drunken driver to perform a mandatory urine analysis, if they have already rejected a voluntary Breathalyzer test. A drunken driving others free of charge of increased crime after crime, if the injuries including traumatic brain injury (TBI) by the accident.


I really hope that these new laws as a strong deterrent for anyone who is considering driving home after a night in the Bar Act. In this way, you are at risk not only your own safety, but also welfare someone really is unfortunate enough, to share the road with you. Even if you cause no wreck, luck, if you get caught these new measures you mean seriously your future will be harmful.

Do not drink or drive. Assign a specific driver in advance, or planning to take a taxi in advance at home.

If you or a loved one in a car accident caused by a drunk driver was injured, it is important that lawyer with a record of a clear position against you with an experienced accidents and injuries intoxicated driver and consult their insurance. Call the Anderson firm for a free no obligation consultation today to your case. Call toll free 800-354-6275 or locally at 817-294-1900.

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