Texas Governor Rick Perry veto ban texting driving

19:17 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Posted on: 5 September 2011 by Mark A. Anderson

Despite numerous protests and evidence, the legislator in Austin, which drive distracted is an incredibly dangerous epidemic that is rapidly growing out of control, Governor Rick Perry veto of House Bill 242, which would have made illegal SMS while driving in Texas. In its official said Perry, "texting while driving reckless and irresponsible." "I support measures to make safer, our roads for all but House Bill 242 is a Government effort to micromanage the behavior of adults."


Perry claimed that HB 242 would have a descent of the Government, but it confused me, as he came to this conclusion. How does a law to protect the welfare of the public equal tyranny of the State? If Governor Perry against legislation like HB 242, that is us "Micromanage", laws, laws then must he also against DWI and driving without insurance laws be. We should not laws to to tell us not to drink and we have to do but drive or text and drive.

It seems to me that Governor Perry in conjunction with the State of Texas. There was little opposition to this Bill in its necessary Committee hearings; Indeed Telecommunications giant support banning SMS such as AT & T, actually during the journey. Not only this law have democratic and Republican support, but the majority of respondents in a survey by Texas Transportation Institute last year Texas drivers prefer a ban on cell phone while driving.

Politics aside, SMS laws not you charge if you SMS and drive are and if they can save a life, they are the value of it. If I was rating on its decision, this much-needed anti-SMS and driving Bill veto Rick Perry, we'd him an F.

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