Three car accident sends four people to hospital

11:51 Publicado por Mario Galarza

On 30 August, a three-vehicle accident in vineland sent four people to hospital and closed the intersection of East Avenue and oak road for more than four hours.

A 17-year-old with two passengers in her Volvo no red light while traveling from the North on East Avenue. It collided with a truck powered by Jose Rosado, which then influenced a Toyota driven by Kristin Charlson.

The Volvo was the truck under Rosodo, fixed saver force to cut the free driver. It was was flown to Cooper University Hospital and in stable condition. Their passengers and Charlson have been to South Jersey healthcare-regional medical center and released.

We are deeply grateful to hear that the Volvo drivers, their passengers, Mr Rosado and wife Charlson were not seriously injured. We wish a speedy recovery them all.

Risk, in an instant

Driver based on traffic lights, to ensure that respect other drivers of their right of way. But a tragic crash requires only one driver, which temporarily distracts your attention from the road.

The Volvo driver inattention to a "tragedy", but it sent four people to hospital. Unfortunately their trip demonstrates what NJ car accident lawyers already over 16 - to 19-year-old driver know: they make more accidents than any other age group.

By holding teenage drivers for their actions responsible young unduly punish not victims. You send the message that the dangerous driving due to the age of a person is not acceptable.

You have by a teenage rider injured been?

If a teenage driver in a car accident has injured you, Cohen assault at a New Jersey Attorney with console & Hollawell today. Although you feel sympathy for the young people can, his or her insurance will not feel sympathy for you and will present a lowball settlement offers, if given the chance.

Help on console and Hollawell our NJ car accident lawyers injury victim compensation, which they for their injuries to earn. If you have injured in an accident, you wait to run out don't have time on your case. Talk battery with a New Jersey Attorney with console & Hollawell today.

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