Big rig slams in stalled cars and two pedestrian-causes, that two deaths

23:02 Publicado por Mario Galarza

16 May 2011 - reportedly crashed a big rig in two stalled vehicles and then two pedestrians.

The crash occurred at about 3: 2 pm East lanes of the 60 freeway in Pomona, in the vicinity of the Lake Street.

The big rig hit two cars, had Highway, where the driver had left the vehicles, to the 60 and then hit two pedestrian kill them both get ground to a halt. The pedestrians were pronounced dead at the scene of the crash was knocked over a railing and thrown from the overpass the crash occurred.

According to cogeneration of the driver of the rig was big hospital for observation, transported, but has apparently have no serious injuries.

There were at least one of the vehicles, which caught fire and the eastbound lanes were shut down, while the authorities the crash than also pedestrians injury lawyers investigated were.

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