The biggest risk for teen drivers is not alcohol, speed, or lack of seat belt use

13:19 Publicado por Mario Galarza

There is a huge risk, the teenage drivers on a regular basis and despite what many people have believed so far, it has to do with drink nothing, acceleration or fails, use a seat belt.  After a recent national ten-year study on highway has to do deaths it with night driving.  Driving after dark is the largest risk for teen drivers.

The study was conducted by the Texas Transportation Institute.  Researchers analyzed the fatality transmission rates from 1999 to 2008.  During this time, the number of deaths actually went across the nation, with the exception of nightly deaths.  This problem caused researchers to deeper.  Apparently, the answer that you came had with with teenage drivers at night to do use of mobile phones.

"Everything is in the same direction for this age group, and that it is due to the use of mobile phones behind the wheel."  "If you mobile phone combine the night danger and the risk with inexperience, you a perfect storm created", said Bernie fats, one of the authors of the study.  Fats went on to say in an article in the Washington Post, that young people are very comfortable with mobile phones in their hands, and this level of comfort can lead to a false sense of security.

Teens require more sleep than drivers who are in older age groups. When a tired teenage driver behind the wheel is, it is similar to be intoxicated.  The combination of this risk with the high level of mobile phone use among this age group, the result can be fatal.

The lesson that can be learned from this study - to teen drivers make way for their mobile phones and pay attention to the road.

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