California motorcycle helmet law debate

On Monday, we released the results of a bicycle helmet safety survey we ran through may is national bike month. According to the survey, although nearly 70 percent of cyclists in California say most of the time, wear helmets believe only a few, that State law this to do need them. This also applies to media anecdotes about helmets. Last year, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, for example, on a Conference bike was booed, when he announced his support for a national legislation, helmets for all cyclists. A similar helmet debate, the security is California's motorcycle community advocates against drivers, that the right mines without a helmet, regardless of the risks to horseback riding to demand.
California requires law motorcycle helmets currently for all riders, as do 19 States across the country. 27 States require helmets compulsory for drivers under a certain age (usually minors), but only three States no helmet laws on the books. Below, a quick overview of each is the motorcycle-helmet debate pages.
Proponents of the motorcycle-helmet laws show in General to reduce to the fact that they have shown that save lives and the extent of the injury. Here some statistics from the national highway traffic safety are administration related to motorcycle helmets and head injuries:
Motorcycle helmets saved an estimated 1,829 life, in 2008.Helmets one would have saved additional 822 lives all riders were wearing helmets.Mandatory helmet led to nearly $3 billion in cost savings nationwide alone in 2008.When motorcycle wore all helmets year, she could save additional $1.3 billion.Traffic fatalities have decreased since 2000 for other types of vehicles. But deaths have almost doubled during this time motorcycle.Motorcycle deaths include now around 14 percent of all traffic fatalities, a disproportionate figure considering that motorcycles account for only 3 percent of registered vehicles in the United States.Opponents helmets say motorcycle laws that NHTSA suspicious information, is due to the fact that the Agency will support a national helmet law. So dear bike advocates a third-party group to carry out similar studies on whether helmets really live in serious motorcycle accidents save. In the absence of such a report, below are some additional reasons are that many motorcycle riders helmet laws against:
Helmet laws reduce the number of motorcyclists. The California DMV, for example, predicts that there are 40% less drivers today as 1992, when the helmet law was passed.Because the helmet law came into force, the mortality rate in California was not deleted. 1992 Was the rate of 3.22 per 100,000 drivers; now it's the 3.84 with far less Fahrern.Motorrad deaths not a public health problem view, as they affect only the driver, who decides to ride without a helmet.When a motorcycle rider in a high speed collision is involved, the chances that even a helmet not in the position would be to prevent death or serious injury.Motorcyclists are more likely to protecting individual freedoms. "If the driver they didn't not feel that they need one, it should be said one, wearing", Austin said motorcyclists Tim Hardy. "I think we are in the United States I was 20 years in the army for our rights."As the author of a transport security blog, I am more inclined to believe that the evidence indicating that motorcycle helmets life, to save, so that the Government require their use in the interests of public safety. But I am interested in your thoughts. Let's you know what you think in the comments section or on our Facebook page.
And while you're here, take a look at our interactive event calendar California summer motorcycle.
Photo credit: | El caganer
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