DUI laws Wisconsin are a joke!

0:03 Publicado por Mario Galarza

I have just an article in the Wall Street Journal on Wisconsin's drunk driving laws and the reform, which some legislators want to enforce.

41% of Wisconsin's road deaths are related to alcohol and they are going to do something about it now finally to. So they decided that the "dramatic" step the first time offenders with at least 0.15% BAC (almost double the permitted), "ignition interlocks" to install in their cars. Oh, and they go to penalties for repeat offenders to strengthen and expand their treatent alcohol program... Wow.

Some powerful are the major changes after going North. I mean, I know, Wisconsin is home to the beer and they love their Milwaukee Brewers, but enough is enough! First offenders to get traffic citations and fines? Police are obliged by law, to refrain from sobriety checkpoints set? This is a matter of a decade or two years and it's gotta be fixed. Chuck Hurley of MADD says it beautifully, "only in Wisconsin" the reforms initiated they are a sign of progress.

But let us not fool. Virginia is not all that great, when it comes to DUI laws either. We have the ignition interlock, harsher penalties for higher BACs, and sobriety checkpoints, but what we do not have penalties for the places that the people drunk.

It is time, the bars start taking some of the blame for being drunk. I mean not to say that bars should stop operation, but you would think that good would consider common sense, that know the workers of the establishment, not someone, if it is obvious they have let drive too much. Get bars in trouble if they are minors, they lose their ABC license. Be why not have it for DUIs right? If a bar is too much for a guy and it can be home, go BOOM no more liquor license. I know there is a lot of grey area it but at least it is a start to finally getting the bar and restaurant industry to pick up part of the tab page for the mess you create.


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