Record enterprises Inc. Foiled in attempt to bully lawyers with fake bar complaints
I read an interesting article in the current issue of the lawyer's weekly. Some of my attorney friends down at Gilbert & Albiston in Norfolk threatened recently with a complaint to the Virginia State Bar by a company of medical records, plate enterprises Inc. The complaint alleged the company had paid no Bill of $66.45.
Now it turns out, they owe a single cent, and that company never sent faxed only a records in the appeal copy to the company.
"Buz" Gilbert then turned around and sued record company for libel. The article was just published, because both sides for a cool $2,500 settled. The main argument was over the fact the the company's complaint in never actually sent. The defense argued that publication for libel Gilbert was needed all the way back not among VA code of 1888 to debt securities that are libel, a third party and maligned requires no publication.
The cited law should be originally offended party legal process to one to discourage such as duel. Good thing because I can not imagine "Buz" and the CEO of the company records to get guns at noon.
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