Teen auto accidents: change lives forever

22:02 Publicado por Mario Galarza

It is estimated that 5000 young people a year in car accidents die. In the United States almost 13 percent are all serious crashes related to alcohol and 40 percent of this number include teens driving under influence of alcohol.

If a teenager involved in a car accident, where they are injured or they injure and kill someone else, you can change their lives forever.

As a trauma nurse puts, "they are not car accidents..."  "Abstürze no accidents." They are the result of decisions. "Each choice comes with follow." Almost all accidents are avoidable, as the vast majority of crashes are caused by human negligence. While a teen drivers, the avoidable crash a bad person cannot be caused, an accident may show that the teen bad driving judgment at a critical time exercised. If a teen driver is not aware, can an innocent person injured or killed by their negligence.

There are some factors, the majority of teen car accidents contribute:

Lack of driving experience acceleration teens overestimate their skill level drinking and DrivingDistractions reckless driving

Driving in California, a 17-year-old girl in may a large SUV drove through a red light and slammed into a small sedan with a 24-year-old girl and a 22-year-old boy. The 24-year-old girl was pronounced dead at the scene and the young died later in hospital.

The light was red for quite some time, and it was that the girl with something that may be texting, had been distracted when she went through the light clearly, the police. The victims had a green light and were already half way through the intersection, when they were hit. The girl could be charged with astronaut homicide and spend several years in prison. Three lives forever changed because someone made the choice, to instead be distracted with a focus on the road.

Parents should be vigilant about their young people and their driving habits. While in be they can can the car with them at all times, they use to communicate the importance of safety and obey traffic rules and they can construct a driving agreement.

The driving agreement between parents and young people is set up and basically sets the rules for the drive and the use of the car and explains the consequences to pay, if the rules are broken.

Rules which can create for their teenager's parents:

Not SpeedWear based BeltsNo with mobile phone or handheld deviceDon don't drink and driveDon don't engage in road rage BehaviorWhen streets change, be careful and tired AlertIf, pull over to the side of the road

Teenage driving death is almost like an epidemic. A way to stop an epidemic is through education. There are many States across the country, have the intense driving programs for teens. She graduated to systems where for a period of time with certain rules and then "graduate" if they are a little older can take more responsibility. Between parents and educational programs, there are a diverse set of approaches to accident prevention teenager car.

Montlick & Associates has a number of safety initiatives within the framework of the family safety program, which will help to promote safe driving in your household. Here are some of our videos and tools that you can find very useful:


Parent of guides Georgia Tadra (graduated driving system) law, which applies to all teen drivers:



All of our auto safety videos index:


Those in all Georgia and in the Southeast who seriously injured or killed in car crashes support lawyers Montlick and associates. If you or someone you love in a car accident Georgia injured, you call Montlick & Associates today to see how we can help. Car accident attorneys represent our Georgia customers in all Georgia, including but not limited to Albany, Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Columbus, Dalton, Gainesville, Macon, Marietta, Rome, Roswell, Savannah, Smyrna, Valdosta, helping Warner Robins and all the smaller towns and rural areas in the State. Call us today for your free consultation at 1-800-LAW-NEED (1-800-529-6333), or visit us on the Internet at www.montlick.com. No matter where you are in Georgia we are only a phone call away and we come to you.

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