Traumatic brain injury: the hidden danger

4:44 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Center of disease control and prevention data shows that the most common cause of death in young adults and children head injuries. Head injuries account for 44 per cent of all injury-related deaths in the United States more than 1.5 million Americans maintain head injuries each year, with 80,000 these violations of irreversible damage.

The most common cause of traumatic brain injury is followed closely by bicycle or motorcycle accidents, falls, and sport-related accidents accidents. After a person has suffered a traumatic brain injury in an accident, is not always immediately obvious how extensive is the damage really is until some time has expired, and medical examinations and evaluations have been carried out. The outside of the head can look fairly normal and mask internal damage. The brain have extensive internal bleeding or the skull can be divided.

Most of the accidents that cause head trauma include a short change one's mental faculties or loss of consciousness and lead at least a mild form of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Severe cases of TBI include longer loss of consciousness or amnesia. Loss of critical reasoning, a severe TBI may sensation, language and emotion result in mental and physical functions.

It is important to realize that a person can sustain a traumatic brain injury in a car accident, even if a person misses not his or her head on something.

There are various ways the brain in a car crash or other accident can be violated, without you actually beat the head:

Bruising or bleeding - this can result when the soft tissue in the head of the skull, is itself can tear the blood vessels to pieces. This can lead to bleeding in various areas of the brain. The blood can cause that to create pressure against these tissues of the skull in court is party to proceedings. The pressure against these tissues can cause that parts of the brain to stop properly works or even die. This often happens in a car accident because the brain is from moving at a high rate of speed to a halt immediately caused the brain to inside smashed the skull. See people who often experience this violation to the fine right after the accident takes place. This is very dangerous, because as the pressure builds, they start to feel funny and confused and then may lose consciousness and go into a coma. snatch - if someone, is thrown forward and backwards violently in a car accident, the brain are actually in the process torn can. This is a dangerous injuries because the tears can be very small and not in a position, by a CT scan or an MRI be picked up.Swelling - breach of the brain, the body responds much as it does to heal other injuries. It is emerging, because it tries to heal itself. The problem if the brain swells is that no extra space inside the skull of this swelling occur. The pressure on the brain then moves and can stop functions like breathing in the body and even heart rate. Sometimes, to relieve the pressure, doctors must create immediately by an opening in the skull.

Traumatic brain injury are often a person with long-term disabilities and debilitating diseases as amnesia, dementia, seizures, loss of intellectual function or feeling, impairment of communication skills and nerves and vascular damage. Accident victims in the car, who suffer traumatic brain injury can be also more prone Parkinson's disease and epilepsy in the long run to diseases such as Alzheimer's,.

If you are involved in a car accident, you should never assume that you are fine just because you experience only slight dizziness or mild headaches. You should be checked out by medical staff immediately after an accident if you believe that you can have experienced any kind of trauma, your brain, no matter how slight. You should see a doctor if you are involved in a car accident Georgia with significant effects even if you feel no ill effects. If you have suffered injury on your brain, you should speak so you can discuss and understand your rights with a lawyer.

For more than 27 years, skull brain of injury lawyers in Montlick and Associates, lawyers have the Georgia, help people like you, the serious head and brain suffering from injuries. We understand that potential legal or factual obstacles to proving our customers right on legal compensation and hard fight for the best interest of our customers. If you or a loved one in a car accident caused Georgia or other accident serious head and brain injuries was involved, you should not hesitate call us. Montlick and Associates is available to customers in all Georgia and in the Southeast, including but not limited to Albany, Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Columbus, Gainesville, Macon, Marietta, Rome, Roswell, Savannah, Smyrna, Valdosta, Warner Robins and all the smaller towns and rural areas in the State. No matter where you are our lawyers are only a phone call away, and we come to you. Call the week us 24 hours a day/7 days for your free consultation at 1-800-LAW-NEED (1-800-529-6333). You can also visit us at and use our free case evaluation form or 24-hour live online chat.

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