Thursday, March 27, 2025

VA Beach doc gets prison for billing was

15:46 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Dr. Robert Poulin is finally the music for taxpayers of $ 1.3 million due to billing fraud fraud faced. Poulin, an oncologist from Virginia Beach, Virginia, would the Government programs for excess quantities of drugs and then between patients, calculate the full price for half divided doses. The doctor would the programs for more chemo drugs when administered account. He was sentenced to 63 months (just over 5 years) in prison for his crimes.

Dr. Poulin was found guilty of the crime, is very difficult to identify. In this day and age where blame the escalating costs go in the direction of "defensive medicine" the robust to a word edgewise on fraud. I know that participate the most doctors not in this sort of thing, but the case on hand only goes to show how easily doctors can cheat not only government programs but insurance companies. The FBI was Dr. Poulin to track, as he cheated by charging for drugs, that he does not use a government agency. If you cannot know whether applies the same control to the doctors, cheat the insurance agencies? Detection is over-billing for unadministered drugs one thing, but what is with the detection of billing for unnecessary treatments under the guise of so-called "defensive medicine"? It's no secret that doctors per service will be paid. The further investigation and tests more Harken they undergo. Sounds more like "offensive medicine" to me: run more tests, you get more money. Who will catch you? It is not as you are billing for a test, you have not been run.

Again, we know, that it was there, we see it in this case. Most physicians not their number fudge or Overtreat, just as frivolous cases, but unfortunately it will bring the most lawyers are not some there that do. I'm just to say that the system we now ripe for the kind of thing that Dr. made Poulin.

Fore more on this check out click the news article on the title of this entry or check out my article "the high cost of defensive medicine."


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