Sunday, March 16, 2025

Victims of salmonella contaminated peanut butter get $ 12 million

10:14 Publicado por Mario Galarza

On the heels of a nationwide recall of salmonella contaminated eggs from a federal judge has U.S. food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommended for the victims of the salmonella outbreak related to his peanut processing plants in the last year a $12 million settlement of the Virginia-based peanut Corporation of America pay. The epidemic was responsible for hundreds of cases of food-borne diseases, including 9 deaths and 45 cases of disease in children, resulting in more than 120 personal injury against the company.

Salmonella poisoning can take a huge toll on a person's life.  They have often severe pain that prevents that she may result from work and liabilities from wages. Be people with weak immune systems - very young and very old - often even worse.

Last year's salmonella poisoning resulting from the preparation of their personal injury rules, are this year nor restore - physically and financially - from their encounters with contaminated eggs. To date, $ 380 million eggs have reminds, with disease reported in California, Colorado, Arizona, Illinois, Nevada, North Carolina, Texas, and Wisconsin.

All these incidents salmonella poisoning a variable share common: Iowa. 95% of the country eggs come from two massive farms in Iowa, Wright County, farms and Hillandale farms. The connection between producer and distribution is particularly prominent in California, where nearly 300 cases of salmonella poisoning, which were reported and more than 40% the eggs from Iowa, especially Hillandale been, businesses.

"In the last few months, our company a high volume of research victims to personal injury, has received from salmonella poisoning", noted California injury attorney James Ballidis.
In response to this demand information to personal injury, which write food poisoning California injury lawyer James Ballidis an informative article on food poisoning victims rights, "eggs and fruit blamed as salmonella Sickens hundreds of Californians." Victims of food poisoning have rights? ".

In the meantime should avoid Virginians recalled eggs.

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