Weight watchers brings suit against Nestlé frivolous brand

16:52 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Here is the latest in litigation clog the US court system. Weight watchers Nestle for allegedly abusing, weight watchers brand sued including their logos and "Points" - System. You want to back for improper profits, triple damages and have the Court Nestle to stop use of their trademarks.

This is an excellent example of a frivolous lawsuit. It can not be the most common use of the word, that be not based on "frivolous". But it's frivolous, that there is an unimportant small case between two heavyweights in the value of millions of dollars, that time will be held away from other more important trial. In the long term in this case, the role is not at all, weight watchers is Ukrainian richer or everything will remain unchanged and the company lose to the Attorney's fees. In the meantime legitimate cases, the actual impact on persons or companies have pushed on the back burner. And everyone wonders why the judicial authorities is taking so long!

Here is the article of CNN money on weight watchers complaint against Nestlé, Inc.

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