Witnesses say what they saw in West Los Angeles parking lot structure accident
27 April 2011-to the lawyer, Michael Ehline, yesterday, some witnesses have already started to come forward in the Sports Club LA parking structure accident, which took the life of a 76-year-old woman Tuesday in West Los Angeles.
According to the authorities they were responding to the parking structure scene of the accident, which at approximately 20: 00 am at the crashed a vehicle from the third story of the Sports Club LA parking structure Sepulveda Boulevard and Nebraska Avenue.
Los Angeles Police Department Capt. Brenda Crump, said that a witness of the driver in the vehicle parked before the barrier, either forward or backward in the parking maneuver saw. The witness looked away and then to hear a loud noise and saw the Volkswagen SUV go over the edge.
A further witness identified as Bill Tompkins was specified by the gym come, when he saw the accident and said it had a different parking structure a few ago incident years.
Investigators said it is possible that a medical condition played a role in Tuesdays parking structure accident that took the life of the 76-year-old woman. This is a public service message from the parking lot structure personal injury attorney with Ehline law firm PC been 201 Wilshire Blvd., 2nd floor, Los Angeles, CA 90401. 310. 376 8488.
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