Civil liability for Georgia victims of sexual abuse by health care professionals

0:53 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Sexual abuse is defined as any sexual activity that consent is performed without a person. Often, sexual abuse of people done that are in the professional positions, positions of trust, and positions of power.

The perpetrators of sexual abuse can be a or a foreign. This type of abuse can lead to lifelong emotional damage and a victim with feelings of shame, fear, anger and disappointment, that never go away. It is a worrying trend that is revealed a growing concern about sexual abuse in hospital settings with the offender by doctors, therapists, psychiatrists and other medical staff, to violate the trust of their patients. If you have committed suffered sexual abuse by a health care professional, you are entitled to compensation for your injuries. At Montlick and Associates, attorneys at law, we have more than 27 years victims of sexual abuse in all Georgia represents.

A recent incident in Cobb County, this alarming development is illustrative. A nurse anesthetist was 34 charges of sexual violence including sexual coercion of a person in custody, aggravated sodomy, aggravated child abuse and illegal surveillance found guilty. There were about 19 victims in all, and some were under the age of 16. Most of the victims of this Act of sexual abuse were unconscious at the time your misuse has occurred.

The perpetrator turned his cell phone under the sink in a dentist's Office, the he most was, so it would take video women, while they were on the toilet. On the phone, they found photographs of him touching and sexually assault on unconscious women at Cobb hospital, where he also worked. He has guilty and life in prison and face could get $ 1.8 million in fines.

If you believe that you have been abused in a hospital or other health care setting, it is important to talk about lawyer with experienced Georgia of sexual abuse. An Atlanta of sexual abuse victim lawyer can explore the facts of the case with compassion and understanding and help you get justice and closure.

Filing a sexual abuse is an important decision, but may be the only way, justice and accountability for a civil action claim or action. If you are busy with the emotions and the shock, to go along with this kind of abuse, it is difficult on a sexual abuse case. We have the knowledge and experience to you through the legal process to help, so you can focus on healing and recovery.

In most cases of sexual abuse occurs between the victim and the defendant, and there are some other witnesses. In some cases, the perpetrators will claim that that was the victim of 'Consent'.   It can help to find legal representation prompt, because discovery and preservation of the evidence, testimony confirming a victim can be key in building a strong sexual abuse lawsuit. Corroborating evidence is evidence that strengthens, added, or existing evidence or testimony confirmed. Examples of underpinning evidence in a case like this include:

Physical evidence - clothing, fibers, and debris from the Tatort.Medizinische evidence - blood, saliva, semen and Haare.Psychische health evidence - testimony of experts, the intellectual character of the abuse can confirm.Similar violations - evidence which establishes that the perpetrator in the behavior before the stopped.

Our Georgia sexual abuse victims lawyers investigate thoroughly incidents with our customers, including interviews with witnesses, obtain reports and working with police, prosecutors and forensic experts go about every fact in the case to ensure that our customers receive, of Justice and the compensation that they deserve.

At Montlick and Associates, attorneys at law, we have doing Georgia families for more than 27 years. We know that devastating toll of sexual abuse on a person can have long-term and involved for helping victims of sexual abuse and their families seeking compensation and the therapy they need. If you or someone, was love you the victim of sexual abuse in any environment, you call Montlick & Associates today to see, such as our Georgia sexual abuse victims lawyers help may be on. We are the customers in all Georgia, including but not limited to Albany, Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Columbus, Dalton, Gainesville, Macon, Marietta, Rome, Roswell, Savannah, Smyrna, Valdosta, helping Warner Robins and all the smaller towns and rural areas in the State. Call us today for your free consultation at 1-800-LAW-NEED (1-800-529-6333), or visit us on the Internet at and use our free case evaluation form or 24-hour live online chat. No matter where you are in Georgia we are only a phone call away, and we come even to you.

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