Hot dogs vs. cigarettes: they need both warnings?
Are you hot dogs as dangerous for your health than cigarettes? A recent Billboard outside the Indianapolis Motor Speedway built would suggest that they are. Billboard, the doctor paid Committee for responsible medicine, a group is, the healthy eating, promotes shows several hot dogs, that of a cigarette pack that has a mysterious skull and crossbones encounter. A large white flag next to the picture Announces, "warning: hot dogs can wreck your health."
According to the PCRM nutrition education Director Susan Levin "could be a hot dog pro send day to an early grave." Meat is processed, how hot dogs can increase your risk for diabetes, heart disease and various types of cancer. "Like cigarettes should hot dogs with a warning label that helps racing fans come and other users understand the risk to health."
A new study conducted by Harvard researchers shows that people who eat a 3.5-ounce pork of serving of - is the equivalent of a hot dog have a chance of 51% of type 2 diabetes. Previous studies, as for example done in Lyon, France 2001, showed that food received meat, including hot dogs, was able to increase colorectal cancer by 50%.
Hot dogs really should come with a warning label?
Because the health risks of hot dogs and other processed meat studied and were recognized, what is the responsibility of the hot dog maker? What is responsible for all manufacturers of so-called "junk" food for that matter? Consumers have sued tobacco companies for illness and wrongful death. Are Oscar Meyer next company named in a suit? The claimed was not so long ago, mother sued McDonald's from California, that the toy filled changed in McDonald's happy meals, what would her child food and led them to make unhealthy choices. The suit sparked a debate: "food police" trying to dictate the behavior, by legislation or is it unhealthy foods Americans unfair and fraudulent market?
Product liability laws state that manufacturers need to warn consumers when their product harmful or dangerous. But so far, it is difficult to establish a causal link between junk food and certain health issues, such as obesity. In addition, we have all the possibilities when it comes to what we eat. If we have a hot dog on a Apple, who's fault really choose?
When it comes to whether manufacturers and distributors take unhealthy foods responsible for the health issues of those who are to eat these foods, there is a lot of grey areas. Other product-liability situations are much more black and white. If you or someone in your family has recently have been injured or become ill, and you think that it is due to a specific product, contact a New Jersey injury lawyer for a free consultation. Lawyer can assess your situation to determine whether the manufacturer or dealer of the product was completely or partially incorrect and can tell you whether it makes sense to pursue compensation.
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