Payee notification would most was Conrad have prevented

22:11 Publicado por Mario Galarza

The Virginia State Bar has just reported that it is paid client protection fund has an amazing $411,165 in claims former customers of the former Virginia personal injury lawyer Conrad Stephen ("criminals").

It is a simple procedure, now in Virginia, which most was this prevents would have proposed. Its listed Recipients notification and what it says that if your lawyer is a the insurance company settlement check of $5,000 or more sends it a message send, which you have paid your lawyer.

Like an old ad I remember: "simple, inexpensive, and it works."

The problem is that lawyers against these consumer protection statutes are some Virginia. In fact as of this writing the official position of the Virginia trial lawyers Association (of which I am a member) "contrary."

I'm sorry, but it is not a consumer is, which says that payee notification is a bad idea.

By the way..., pays you think in the Fund for the money goes?

The lawyer members of the Virginia state bar. Passed, the costs to? The consumer/client.

It seems pretty simple that a reduction in the claims virtually prevents employed the type of fraud of Conrad (i.e. He was settlement of your case and forging your name on tests and never tell you, the client) reduces the cost of legal services in Virginia.

I still waiting to hear the rational basis for the argument against this law...Note: the base does not start, "It will hurt our (lawyers) feelings!"


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