UK man arrested for driving with 2 phones | Seattle car crash lawyer

0:42 Publicado por Mario Galarza

As a Seattle car accident lawyer have I seen far too many victims in an accident with a distracted driver were injured. Although cell phone usage in many States in the United States is illegal you choose many drivers nor the laws caused ignore serious car accidents. In an example blatantly negligent driving was most recently a UK man caught trying to talk and text on two different phones while driving.

The police had to talk him discovered on a mobile phone while driving. The police then went to him pull over and were very surprised that he was on a cell phone, he was not only spoken, also SMS on another phone with his other hand. After he was pulled, went the driver as far as to make him stop before you wait for the police to his conversations. Make matters worse, in addition, the drivers have not even insurance. The United Kingdom courts gave the driver a $216 suspended fine and his license for a whole year.

The most common cause of traffic accidents is not a vehicle failure or adverse road conditions - it is negligent driver. Due to this fact it is a crime to talk while driving in Washington State on a cell phone or text (or both). However, not some people think it is already doing. The National Highway Safety Administration has published statistics showing that in 2009 expected to United 995 people in a car accident were killed in that cell phone use was a factor. In the same year, 24,000 people were injured in mobile phone-related car accidents.

If you or a loved one have been a car accident with a negligent driver, this driver will probably be liable for the injuries from the accident. Seattle personal injury LawyerJason Epstein you might get the settlement you deserve. Call a free initial consultation today.

Tags: Seattle car accident lawyer, Seattle lawyer, Seattle TEXTING while driving laws, UK drivers speak personal injury and while driving, UK arrested man SMS on 2 phones with 2 phones, UK man drive car accidents, Washington State laws with 2 phones, Washington Mobile related mobile phone


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