Volunteers of ignorance: the insurance doctor last bastion

19:23 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Another case insurance medical medicine the line between ethical a unethisches ride. A doctor for the infamous University disability Consortium (UDC), Dr. Beth Aaronson, has a file for a pension claimants suffered a left arm, disability, temporal lobe from epilepsy, protein S deficiency and deep vein thrombosis.

I think it is possible that the last three on this list, the negligent would be missed skills, but I trust in Dr. Aaronson and find it much more likely that she deliberately ignored them, as she could to fight not against it either, or could not bring get fake medical opinion that it would take the evidence discount. Either way, she treats disability only the left arm. I guess if you can use whack medicine to discount a claim that they simply ignore it, great strategy!

I have more on insurance doctors tell half-truths and outright ignore written complaints.


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