7:28 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Posted on 20 June 2011 by Morgan Adams

I thought the new hours service (HOS) makes sense and that it would be not much controversy about the new rules. Finally reset the new regulation in place, only the old rule. The old rule requires drivers of 80,000 pounds of tractor trailers, after he to stop 10 hours.  Under President Bush to truckers to drive 11 hours, one hour on the previous system was changed the law. The proposed regulations simply place things again so the art, how, who you were. No harm no foul the Government will one do about, because it confused above when she extended the HOS 11 hours. I thought no controversial movement if I it first read. WOW, was I wrong! The truck companies hate this proposal.

But why? Studies, such as the Penn State study ("on the relationship of the crash risk and hour driver service") presented by Dr. Paul Jovanisat in the 2005 international truck & bus safety security Symposium in Alexandria, VA. have shown that "the crash risk for the first six-hour drive is similar statistically to and then, after increases in important steps." "The eleventh hour has a crash risk more than three times the first hour."  The eleventh hour ride is therefore 300 percent more dangerous than the first hour of driving Of course, the longer a truck on the move is the more money that makes truck companies. Should these gains really come at our public, consumption?

Don Schneider was able to make the Forbes 400 list as the billionaire owner of the Schneider truck. Maybe can an industry that creates on public safety... think MILLIARDÄRE at least once? Most drivers would be limited to 10 hours driving also discretion. You know that 11 hours is too long to be on the road. There is a reason that you call the truck rolls sweatshops.

Here's hoping that the industry outcry has overcome common sense on this. The 10-hour rule is much more secure and simply resets the industry, where they were before the Bush extension. It should be the law.

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