Taxi hits and kills UCLA degrees

6:45 Publicado por Mario Galarza

22 June 2011 - report according to graduate from UCLA and killed by a taxi to. The graduate was coined, while across the street in 24000 Wilshire Boulevard block is executed. The incident occurred at 2:30 pm.

Authorities was UCLA according to graduate who was beaten and killed by a taxi in Santa Monica as Melissa del Aguila identified 24 years.

Authorities have declared that del Agulia Boulevard in West Los Angeles last was seen 11835 Wilshire at Q billiards. The student celebrated with friends and was last seen to 1:00 pm police try to determine, such as students from the West Los Angeles location to Santa Monica made, that more than a mile away. It was not, check accident, whether this a Wongful was death or a mere no fault.

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