New Jersey traffic deaths by 2011

2:09 Publicado por Mario Galarza

People killed this year in New Jersey - indeed have spiked heel, deaths are up 18% over 2010 numbers, according to the associated press. For the same period of last year, there were 195 driving fatalities on New Jersey Highways. This year, this number increased to 230.

So far, officials have still deaths on any specific cause pin the increase in the highway, but it is believed that distracted driving can be largely to blame. The announcement is to reduce part of a summer campaign, drunk driving and seat belt usage increase. The campaign hopes "101 days of summer", that to reduce deaths on New Jersey Highways.

This news comes on the back of a message that States that account for pedestrian of 1 in 5 people killed. Although New Jersey is not one of the most dangerous States for pedestrians, the figures are still alarming.

We offer our condolences and we want the best families and friends who are affected by these deaths.

Reduce driving distracted

Distracted driving is a known cause of deaths. According to the State of New Jersey Web site include distracted things as speak go on mobile phones, the change of the radio station and tend to children. New Jersey has steps to reduce distracted driving. Talking or SMS on a handheld mobile phone is now illegal across the State and could result in severe penalties.

Driving while distracted is dangerous. You can protect yourself and others by all refrain from leading your attention away from the road. Even if you are running late, try to avoid actions such as applying make-up or food in the car. Save a few minutes to your commute is not value the risk of an accident.

Can a car crash lawyer help?

Call you if you have been involved in an accident and distracted driving a factor may, have been immediately a New Jersey personal injury lawyer. A car crash lawyer will advocate on your behalf in the aftermath of the incident. Depending on the circumstances of the case may a New Jersey lawyer support personal injury to help cover your medical expenses and property damage to get money. Wait you don't call, a car crash lawyer after an accident.

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