Police cruiser involved in fatal collision

9:08 Publicado por Mario Galarza

May was 25,2011 - according to the reports, a police cruiser involved in a collision, which was fatal for a woman in Inglewood.

According to authorities an Inglewood cruiser with two officers for a call in the 600 block of Venice was a response way at 1:00 a.m. when it was involved in a collision with another vehicle. The officials are believed answering shoot involved to officer.

The police cruiser crash involved a range Rover, which was the Prairie Avenue, and Manchester Boulevard in the vicinity of the Forum.

The woman, who was killed in the conflict was identified as Loretta Gerard 45 years of Van Nuys. Gerard was a passenger in the range Rover and out of the vehicle, triggered according to the coroner spokesman Ed winter.

According to reports, the police were, in the Cruiser were injured in the crash. The blocks of their injuries were not released. The crash remains studied and investigators have not released, was blamed in the fatal crash.

This is a public service message from the Van Nuys personal injury attorney with Ehline law firm been PC.

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