"Stack" reporting driver allows under uninsured/inter formula plan

19:03 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Many lawyers would say "There is not enough property formats", but recently a lawyer "dug deep", a way to get the insurance coverage for its client available greatly increase to discover. And as he, it means good news indeed for the plaintiff's bar! The Supreme Court of Virginia ruled that "stack", or combining character sequence, earlier this week, must not driver/under formula assured motorists reporting in a policy.

Badly injured in the present case, a young girl in a car accident, but the car drove them in (a friends) and the car debt were underinsured. Their father policy covers three other vehicles for a total of $850 k for body damage (split 300 k $, $300 k and $250 k).

The insurance company argued that these provisions prohibit "stack" means, that was the most that could offer in cover had recorded $300 k for a vehicle.

The Court found that the insurance according to stacking had ruled out and that the plaintiff was entitled to the full value of the policy.

With the SCVa decision, it opens of litigation for the plaintiff until the insurance companies change their policy to properly "stacking." cannot allow this fall could be as pretty important because lawyers now "stacking" clauses assessing will become closer, make sure that it up to snuff. Of course, if you consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer, before you buy even your plan, you probably would not need to in a "litigation window" leave in your claim to be successful.

A commentary on allows "driver stacking" under uninsured/inter formula reporting plan


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