Smart key was at a different death

0:25 Publicado por Mario Galarza

toyota smart key Smart Key Blamed for Another DeathFORT LAUDERDALE (CN) - a woman blames Toyota for her daughter death from carbon monoxide poisoning, because its smart key system Lexus occurred in the background without a key in the ignition. Toyota compared to a similar complaint in New York City in October last year.

Kimberlin Nickles sued Toyota and car dealers of JM Lexus in Broward County Court. You sued also Marbella premium apartments, where her daughter lived to make if a safe ventilation system.

Nickles says her daughter, Chasity Glisson, their Lexus garage parked below their townhouse and accidentally left it running. Says Glisson "either accidentally forget the engine of the vehicle, subject shut down or pushed, start/stop button in an effort to do so but was not successful."

"Probably after the finishing of the vehicle, the applicant missed Chasity Glisson, did not know that the subject vehicle was running, if you your House with the Keyring type." "For information and believe Toyota designs the topic model vehicle engine virtually silent and be smooth, and as a result of the plaintiff missing, Chasity Glisson, could not listen as they exit the vehicle idle engine and with the key chain entered their house."

Nickles says worried family and friends if they hear not, co-plaintiff Timothy Maddock of Glisson and their companions. You alerted the police, that the next evening, Glisson "with no pulse or breathing" to find apartment entered and Maddock "can not speak or move."

Glisson died of carbon monoxide poisoning, and Maddock suffered debilitating injuries.

Nickles says that "electronic key system, a change to basic and ingrained behaviour requires new technologies such as Toyota's." For example, consumers have to the electronic key system no longer turns the key and remove from the ignition. This can cause running the vehicle predictable failures, as for example accidentally left after the exit of the automobile.

"In addition, this keyless ignition technology accidentally the keychain from the vehicle to remove an operator, while the vehicle is in progress allows."

Toyota smart key technology used a computerized keyless device send signals to an antenna inside the vehicle, to start the car.

Nickles says, "the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration several complaints from consumers who stopped their cars with the key chain on their person and accidentally left the vehicle's engine has received running."

A woman in Queens, New York, filed a similar lawsuit in October 2010, claiming she her partner was killed, and she was permanently injured in the same scenario.,

Nickles adds: "as ' smart key'-technology is a convenience function and, in General, new technology that allows to create an operator to remove the key ring from the vehicle while the vehicle is running, it certain vulnerabilities that do not exist with traditional key technology, including the risk of carbon monoxide gas from the vehicle while the driver spent wirdzusammen with the keys no longer in the vehicle are."

She says Toyota ignores these "foreseeable risks" and not "one install automatic shutdown or shutdown switch sheets in the case of a consumer inadvertently the vehicle with the key chain on their person executed."

You are seeking damages for wrongful death, negligence and product liability. It is of personal injury lawyer represented Robert Kelley with Kelley Uustal.

View the original article by courthouse news service, please click here.

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