Tort reform should be voluntary
Last fall, President Obama explains that he is at least the idea to push Congress some type of tort reform provision would included in the health care bill. So, friends the tort reform provision it in 2,000 + pages the healthcare Bill? According to the Wall Street Journal, included "The Senate a determination, the $50 million for grants States that would provide these projects want to start (to test medical tort reform)." And because the House effectively approved the Senate version of the Bill, that is, we're what front left with unlawful act reform: $50 million in demonstration projects. "
The Senate must States, making this grant money, alternative to current tort litigation create to get.
I have still no objective evidence to hear that imposing draconian caps on recovery for seriously injured people medical would reduce costs. In fact, it is this group of people that would adversely affected the most by these caps and it is a strong, which ultimately forced probability that she would rely on public support.
Here's what I think about the reform of the tort - it should be voluntary. If you think that tort reform is a good idea, contract then why not in advance limit your medical provider about your surgery to your recovery, just in case medical malpractice is committed? You are free to do so, but I doubt that you would make comfortable with such a treaty.
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