Thursday, March 20, 2025

Tragic story serves as a warning to life time fitness members

13:53 Publicado por Mario Galarza

2008, A 4-year-old boy in life time fitness swimming pool drowned, although there was a lifeguard in the service and many adults in the vicinity.

This tragic story began when the young, Colin Holst, and his mother, Holst Jana, which was young sister pick to a life time Fitness Club on June 13, 2008.  While they were in the gym, decided they go swimming with Jennie Stafford, Deborah stack and their children, not to know that this decision would lead to Colin's death.

After a wrongful death lawsuit filed by Jeff and Jana Holst, at approximately 5:30 pm Colin began swimming with difficulty and was "desperately splashing in distress."  The suit alleges that the lifeguards not noticed fight Colin in the kiddie pool and him aid rendering failed.   A patron of the lifetime noticed floating face after the young down into the water.

Colin's parents followed a $25 million wrongful death lawsuit against life.  In response, the company filed a lawsuit against Colin's mother and her two friends, you, them trespassing, fraud and breach of contract.  Life the suit alleges, they followed not the gym guest policy, and that these three women should pay damages, court costs and other expenses in connection with the complaints about Colin's death.

These people never had on the life time fitness pool from the outset and perhaps Colin's mother should have kept a closer eye on her son.  Membership is apparently a little-known provision in the Treaty, which makes responsible that life will lead if guest sued the Member for each lawyer and court costs.

This is one such examples were something seems like a good idea, the lawyers, who designed the deployment and an even better idea, if it is found by the defence lawyers.  However, it is nightmare for life time fitness probably again in a public relations because it appears so cold hearted.

Here a warning to all colleagues is better life - you the guest rules or you may be on the receiving end of proceedings.

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