Thursday, March 13, 2025

VA Supreme Court sends message to trial judges on early release

7:07 Publicado por Mario Galarza

The Supreme Court of Virginia recently released a series of decisions and two tort cases that you, and vice versa jumped cases to trial judges the gun to discharge as a matter of law.

In the first case claimed a tenant a landlord for his eye injury by responsible was form and after the landlord negligently repaired the property. The judge dismissed the case, because he, that felt their was no claim for negligence as the eye injuries caused by the previous existence of mold and no failed repairs.

The second case involved a cyclist who turn from a vehicle left across his path was taken. The judge dismissed the case keeps the cyclists contributorily negligent was because he saw in his speedometer directly in front of the impact.

From the SCoVA: "[W] e which take opportunity to once again litigation stress the principle of the tort, that questions of negligence and immediate cause to determine, shall instead of questions to the Court as a matter of law usually questions of fact for the jury."

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