The Virginia texting ban is really do their job?

3:30 Publicado por Mario Galarza

If you in Virginia then life, you know that you are not allowed, send a text message while driving.  It is a statewide texting ban in place, but you know what?  People are still texting and driving.  This may be why researchers at the highway loss data Institute (HLDI) found no reductions in crashes after the bans in place have been set.

Are crashes up?

According to a press release from the HLDI entitled «Texting bans don't reduce crashes;» Effects are increased light crash, "actually some States which have adopted bans have seen an increase in the crashes." "It is an indication that even texting for driver could increase bans texting that continue to do despite the laws," said Adrian Lund, President of the HLDI and Insurance Institute for highway safety.

It will hide that drivers, even after the ban are the texting, try suspected, their mobile phones as you type. "This increase the risk of texting could by the drivers eyes from the road and for a long time," said Lund.

Pack away the mobile phone

There is no question, that texting and driving is dangerous and irresponsible.  Whenever you're behind the wheel, you put away your cell phone.  That will help, "quick" eliminate text message, the temptation to send or read messages sent to you.  If you are the parent of a teen driver, encourage him or her to do the same. These take action you can reduce the number of the Virginia car accidents.


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