Congratulations to lawyer Brian glass

18:11 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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Posted on Sep 01, 2009

Congratulations to Ben glass son Brian, for the reception of Allstate to test and winning large for its customers. Now, every case is different, but Brian's client violated clearly by the Allstate driver and had clear medical bills of $4900. Brian tried, the case had to get, but all Allstate was $5,700 could offer. In other words, bit just a little more than the medical bills.

Allstate were little or even no taking into account the plaintiff's pain and suffering, inconvenience, annoyance with go only to doctors and Miss work, or what was Mr Brian for his numbers.

I recently wrote about how difficult it is, Virginia personal injury case with Allstate resolve. I think they drive the costs of the case for all (and then complain about actions in the newspaper and on television)

Well, Brian not back down and his client received $15,000 (keep in mind, we are not saying, your case will also do.) It was a good day for its customers.

p.s. Allstate will probably appeal and spend more time and money, again, rising costs for all. We will see.

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