Boating accident statistics
Boating accidents caused by several reasons. For these reasons, the operator can be negligence, excessive speed, lack of experience and no lookout. Some boating accidents are the result of a defect in the boat. In this case, the operator can a complaint against the manufacturer have boating.
In 2008 there were related losses boating almost 3700. These deaths occurred in five different types of boats. The boats consist of open motorboat, water motorcycles, cabin motor boating, canoeing/kayaking, and rowing boat. While the number of boating accidents rose from 4,967 in 2006 to 5,191 in 2007. This number was decreased in 2008. In 2008, over 510 deaths were related to drown and 49 were all but no life jacket wear.
Most of the boating deaths in 2008 were negligence or recklessness in connection with operator. There were other causes of boating fatalities. The top 10 reasons for boating deaths are listed below:
Alcohol UsePassenger or skiers BehaviorWeatherOperator InexperienceCareless or reckless OperationExcessive speed operator InattentionMachinery FailureForce of the wave or wakeHow not to drink and drive a motor vehicle important is, it is also important not to a boat to drive while under the influence of alcohol. It affected that judgment and deaths can result in operator. There were 124 boating deaths related to alcohol use. Almost half were 276 boating accidents related to alcohol to death.
The only one of the most cause of violations or boating accidents were a result of reckless operation of the boat. 392 492 Accidents associated with the careless or reckless operation caused injuries. By far, the most losses in connection with boating accounted for open motor boats. In 2008, over 700 people lost their lives in an open motor boat. Canoers and kayakers suffered a large number of deaths in the amount of nearly 230.
Exercise while on a boat is security of the utmost importance. Some deaths are caused by weather, disorder and waves. These types of accidents can be unavoidable in some cases. However, the most common cause of death was due to Board of fall, and the second cause of death was collisions. Each of these types of deaths are preventable with the correct operation and vest.
Visit for more information about boating accident Fort Lauderdale Attorney Kelley Uustal.
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