Woman dies in Burns occur in surgery

22:24 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Here is an article about a woman in Illinois, passed recently by injuries during the operation. The cause of death? "Complications of thermal burns" according to the Tennessee state medical examiner.

Burns? Emergence in surgery? That's caught on fire in the operating room right, the woman, 65-year-old Janice McCall. What caused the fire? They don't know or they do not say. This is either way be an interesting medical malpractice example to follow. Probably "lighting the patient on fire" is not in the standard of care regardless of the condition. The next destination will be, whether there was negligence of the Hospital caused the fire. If it would be gross negligence on the part of the hospital I was very interested to know the chances, lead the combustion.

Do so or so, certainly if you're going in surgery, there is a fire extinguisher in the room. Here is the Fox News article on the surgery of burn case.


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