Who pays for damage if you will be taken by an illegal immigrant who is drunk?

12:43 Publicado por Mario Galarza

A tragic story in Prince William has raised many questions and concerns.

1 August 2010 was drunk 66-year-old Jeanette M. Mosier, a Catholic nun at the Benedictine order as sister Denise Mosier, also known hit and killed by an alleged driver.  It turns out that the driver, Carlos A. Martinelly Montano, in the country illegally.

This was Mr Montano of third DUI in five years.  He is now charged with involuntary manslaughter is.

While this sad story has sparked heated debate over immigration policy, there are also people wondering what happens when you hit and injured by an illegal immigrant left.   There is a strong chance that Mr Montano had no insurance or only minimal care, due to the fact that he, was convicted of drunkenness.

All too often people are hit and killed or injured in car accidents in Virginia. Many of these accidents include drivers, who have little or no insurance at all. This means that it may not have enough insurance to even cover the claim. The insurance that would apply in such situations is underinsured motorists coverage.  In fact Underinsured Motorists coverage has been developed for these specific circumstances and can offset damage from an accident.

I explain all this in my book, buying car insurance in Virginia, which can be ordered free of charge on theinsurancebook.com.

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