What is Accutane?

20:40 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Originally to treat certain types of cancer, Accutane now more acne or moderate acne that does not respond to other treatments is used to the treatment more difficult. The medicine has come recently under fire for dangerous side effects, but it my some young people and adult acne, a problem get rid of, which plagues millions of people still use. Recipes are awarded only in certain cases for this drug because of the reported side effects, as well as due to the fact that there are other treatments that can be, to help in the fight against acne.


Accutane works by restricting the production of facial oils of glands in the skin. The acne will most likely return, when a person stops taking the medicine. At first a person should have a flare acne before it begins to completely go away. The pill comes in different doses and made be every day to work properly.


Due to its side effects, accutane is prescribed, only for a person when other acne treatments results have failed. A short but thorough process comes before a person can receive even the prescription.

Side effects

It is a relatively long list of Accutane side effects. Common include an increase in Acne to start taking the medication, headache, joint pain, hair loss, eye pain, and more. Some rare side effects include fatigue, a reduction in night vision, depression, psychosis, and hepatitis.

Therefore this drug can be considered to be extremely dangerous and is not only to anyone who wants it to be given. There are rare cases of Accutane use have led to suicide or death. In addition, not Accutane by pregnant women can take because it will cause birth defects during pregnancy. Women who are sexually active, must be on birth control before they can be given Accutane. Permanent side effects include reduced hair loss and night vision.

Goldberg & Osborne, a law firm personal injury, has this written only for information purposes by freelance writer, article and has not reviewed or edited this article available provided and is not responsible for the content or accuracy.

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