Texans can drive not only in the rain.

5:33 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Yesterday one was unusually cold and rainy day here in DFW. About the only thing, the streets were worse than the weather! It took a while to work to come in my personal injury law firm in Fort worth just because of the all delays from car accidents.

According to police in Tarrant County, hundreds of recovery system reported yesterday. Monday's Fort Worth had reported 166 car accidents police from midnight until 3: 30 pm accidents in it were heavy in Arlington 32 were called and 25 minor fender Benders reported.

Unfortunately, not all of the accidents were minor yesterday and Sunday. One person killed and five people were seriously injured, when a Dodge truck carrying nine passengers standing water and control I spun 30 and Rosedale Street in Fort Worth.

The 17-year-old driver has accused of homicide intoxication were.

Car accidents are avoidable in the rain, if you only arrangements to meet. In this accident, the accident could have been avoided probably if it not drunk driver behind the wheel! Nine people in a pickup truck seems also like too many to me. They were all wear seat belts? Alternatively, they injuries could have prevented.

No one likes to the rain drive and it is true; Rain will cause that some car accidents. But if drivers in Dallas and Fort Worth to the basic rules of driving would return only (not speed up, defensive driving, put the cell phone) I think could definitely reduce the number of accidents on rainy days.

If you should in a car accident because someone's negligence would be on a rainy day, you my accident and injury law firm a call at 817-294-1900. Just because rainy was not means, that you beat a claim against the other driver for that you can use not. Set your free consultation today.

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