Governor HaslamTells brain injured people their injuries Tennessee not fateful and told voters they are stupid are and must be controlled from Nashville

5:47 Publicado por Mario Galarza

Home > legal > Governor HaslamTells brain injured people their injuries are not disastrous and tells Tennessee voters are stupid and need to be controlled from NashvillePosted on 19 June 2011 by Morgan Adams

Governor Haslam has signed a law that says that non-economic damages in injury (tort) in Tennessee at $750,000 in most cases should be limited. Now in Tennessee, juries are trusted so that you have a to condemn a man to death, but apparently they are not trusted by the Governor, other misconduct in the case of a breach to determine, the right amount of compensation for victims of someone. There is not even a "three strikes and you are out" rule for really bad people and companies, are the repeat offenders!

Whether you agree or disagree with jury borders doesn't really matter, such as the Tennessee legislature and Governor Haslam which legislation passed they want, and they can non-economic damages that injured can be received by someone from a wrongdoer apparently wanted the limit. The new law is flawed in some respects my opinion.

There is first the hypocrisy in so that the intentional acts to "unlimited" damages against those. The Governor and legislature sounds great, but, that number will pay insurance policy IN TENNESSEE for an intentional act. It is excluded from the directive. So a an injured victims probably receive less money no longer, if you prove the defendant willfully traded. It sounds good on a speech stump, but in reality in this section of the law, nothing is, and everything takes form the injured. The Governor could have easily need to cover these acts of insurance companies, but decided not to do.

The second level of the legislature and the Governor is hypocrisy, juror wont be said that there are limits. They believe that they helped someone, when in reality the Government took it on and they sweat made non-economic damages of 750,000 in the jury room of determining the amount no. purposes.

The last part of this tragedy is that the Governor more than others receive allows some catastrophically injured people. There is a special category for "catastrophic loss", which some serious cross-cutting problems, severe burns, the CAP for non-economic damages in cases where serious multiple amputations or the death of a parent of minor children would increase. Now, this new law includes the parents of adult special needs children, children takes care of older people (don't worry, they can go, perform a state nursing home), victims, chronic pain, etc. Hirnverletzte, twenty-year-old, the diapers or a bag to catch, faeces and waste wear...

Let should not we decide a jury, on a case by case basis, whether these cases are disastrous after hearing all the facts? Let should not we choose a jury, that when you kill enough people, you are out to get out of business? Parents have under the supervision of disabled adult children, really earn less than parents take care of minors? The Governor and the legislature chose to take these decisions of the jury. Some people are now more than any other different and company are none of us something special.

Many of my clients are injured, brain and disastrously so, even if they are able to walk and talk. Their lives, they are as in they knew to the wreck, over. In many cases, their personalities have changed. She died, but their life goes on. I think it is arbitrary, and honest said an abuse of power that the Governor has decided, in the run-up to know all the facts can be catastrophically injured. The Nashville knows better than a jury of 12 further. I guess I more than that in the hope the people of Tennessee now. Voter's Tennessee, just referred you to do your Governor and your legislature, what correctly in a jury box is stupid. (it is also as judges, lawyers in the case of the courts of appeal and the Tennessee Supreme Court too stupid, get it also, but hey, they have been on a roll.) Voters, they must come November.

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