My child has CP, there are treatments?

3:46 Publicado por Mario Galarza

The following is a guest post by Dallas-based Rasansky Law Firm

Depending upon the severity of the symptoms, there may be several treatment options for children who suffer from cerebral palsy. The brain injury cannot be cured but some of the symptoms can be lessened.


People with cerebral palsy oftentimes have problems with seizures. One of the options for the treatment of cerebral palsy is to provide the sufferer with medications that reduce these problems. This type of treatment is usually done under the supervision of a neurologist.

Hearing and Speech

Hearing and speech are two areas that cerebral palsy sufferers usually have some difficulty with. Fortunately, these symptoms can be lessened with hearing aids and speech therapy. These measures can help the person with CP to communicate better and to have more of a connection to their peers and their family.

Cognitive Disorders

Even though people with CP often have average or better intelligence, their condition requires special assistance. Educators that specialize in working with special needs children’s can work wonders in these areas. By taking extra time with the child and ensuring that they have the opportunity to excel as much as do their peers, the educator and the parents help to give the child a richer life.

Muscle Tone

In some cases, injections can alleviate the worst symptoms of the uneven muscle tone that characterizes cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy causes the muscles to be difficult to control. When the sufferer tries to do something that requires a lot of coordination or a lot of fine motor skills, they oftentimes find themselves trembling more severely the harder that they try. Aside from being frustrating, this can also make it hard to deal with everyday challenges. Some treatments can help to alleviate the worst of these symptoms, though the results may vary from individual to individual.

Severe Symptoms

In some cases, a person with cerebral palsy may have symptoms that are so severe that they may require drastic measures to allow the person to enjoy some everyday abilities.

Fortunately, equipment such as a computer voice synthesizer can help them to speak and electric wheelchairs can help them to get around and enjoy a greater degree of freedom.
As with any specialized care or advanced medical assistance, these CP treatments can be insanely expensive. In fact, parents can spend a million dollars or more by the time their child reaches the age of 18. The prohibitive costs of caring for a child with CP is one of the reasons families discuss the events that lead to their child’s condition with experienced cerebral palsy attorneys. If a child’s CP was caused by a medical mistake or negligence, they have legal options that can result in much needed financial help.

The personal injury attorneys of Rasansky Law Firm have extensive experience handling a broad range of cases including medical malpractice, vehicle accidents, birth injury and much more. In a world of WE, US, and I, Rasansky Law Firm is committed to the revolutionary idea of YOU.

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