Driver in accident injured - roof truncated to extract the driver

3:21 Publicado por Mario Galarza

June 21, 2011-loud reports had one Garden Grove crash the car roof is truncated to extract the driver.

According to Garden Grove Sgt. c.a. Mclver the vehicle was involved in, from the crash of a Toyota 4Runner. The accident with the 4Runner is occurred at approximately 12: 18 in the vicinity of Lampson and Western Avenue.

The collision between the Toyota and another vehicle occurred at the intersection of Lampson and Western Avenue, which overwhelm the 4Runner chop up the roof.

Garden Grove fire-fighters had to cut the roof from which, according to authorities the 4Runner that rolled the collision. To extract the driver was transported to UCI Medical Center. The driver was the only person in the Toyota 4Runner at the time of the rollover SUV crash according to authorities.

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