Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Claim filed by Michael Jackson family is "Unfounded & Meritless," says AEG

14:01 Publicado por Mario Galarza

View the actual lawsuit filed against AEG.

You will not believe the latest action with Michael Jackson.

A wrongful death lawsuit has for Jackson's mother and his children against the entertainment company AEG. The suit alleges, in essence, that AEG "Michael Jackson worked to death" and that the singer "could not anything as independent AEG wanted him to do."

The suit was already described as "unsubstantiated and meritless", and I vote.

According to the statement of the family lawyers "the suit alleges that AEG their desire for profits from the ' this is it tour ' of the health and safety of Michael Jackson, what his death." Michael Jackson lawsuit actually goes much further and a form describes the indentured servitude. Make a voluntary agreement, where a part of the agreement, such as in the lawsuit, alleges that "life-saving appliances" have a party (just in case!).

The news of Jackson's death world made headlines last year when the singer died allegedly extending a lethal dose of medication.  His death led to involuntary manslaughter charges against his physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, care of Jackson at that time.  Murray pleaded not guilty. The suit claims, incredibly, Murray $150,000 paid per month to Jackson's 'Concierge doctor.'

The family of wrongful death suit against AEG alleges, that the entertainment companies not Murray with life-saving devices before Jackson's comeback tour planned. Jackson allegedly Murray as his physician requested and the doctor was $150,000 monthly fee paid part of the expenditure of AEG Live.

AEG, of course, argued that it was responsible not for Jackson's death.  In a statement, that released by the company it says was "Dr. Murray Jackson's longtime physician."  "AEG not choose it, rent it or monitor it."

Brian j. Panish, the lawyer, who said the Jackson family, "the purpose of which action is to prove to the world the truth about what a Michael Jackson, for all time has happened."

Sounds to me that the truth is that Jackson is was a man who is his own life control self-esteem was missing. He allows others to draw him, were not even fixed principles and died a tragic death for it. He decided not to live his own life, but lived only for others.

View the actual lawsuit filed against AEG.

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