Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Avoid a misdiagnosis: know the warning signs of breast cancer

13:16 Publicado por Mario Galarza

No one ever these terrible words speak the doctor wants to hear: "You have breast cancer."  Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of women are diagnosed every year with this form of cancer.  National Cancer Institute reported that in the year, 2010 alone, 207,090 women with the disease have been diagnosed and 39,840 died of it.

It's no surprise that one of the most important factors to the survival of breast cancer is early detection.  However, according to an article in the New York Times, may "vulnerable to error: earliest steps to find cancer" diagnosis of the earliest phase of breast cancer will be difficult.  Errors often happen and differences of opinion concerning whether a lump is benign or malignant arise.

Know the signs
As it happens not in all cases of breast cancer, there are signs that would warn of the disease sometimes.  It is therefore important for women to carry out even studies at least once in the month. In accordance with the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. "are almost 70% of all breast cancers by even tests with early detection and that 98% of the 5-year survival rate is."  Visit the Foundation website information about the a test to perform.

Some of the most common signs of breast cancer are:

A lump or ThickeningNipple change change in size and shape of BreastBloody release from NippleDimpling the skin over the BreastInverted nipple
It is important that you contact your doctor immediately if you encounter one of the above mentioned breast cancer symptoms.

Diagnosed with breast cancer
Sometimes, despite all the medical advances over the years, breast cancer is diagnosed.  If you have suffered from a breast cancer misdiagnosis in Virginia, you need to learn your rights.  For more information, order a free copy of the book, why the most medical errors never recover a cent victims.

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