An interpreted mammography may lead to delayed breast cancer diagnosis.
According to the researchers at the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute should a delay in the diagnosis of breast cancer 10 times more happen when there is a negative mammogram. These same researchers found that 3 percent of the delayed cases of breast cancer diagnosis include misinterpreted mammography.
Mammography errors come in many forms
An important role in early detection of breast cancer in mammography. This chest X-rays have two main purposes - to diagnose for unusual changes in the breast screen and identify. If the radiologist makes a mistake, it can lead to a delay in diagnosis.
Some of the common error of mammography are:
Mammography results of unparsed CorrectlyPoor was administered ImproperlyMammogram maintenance of mammography MachineUnskilled were radiologist, which is incorrectly interpreted the test packetsWhat should you do
Often there is a lot of questions as a breast cancer diagnosis, including not the disease could formerly have been detected. If you think that you have suffered from a delayed diagnosis of breast cancer due to an error of mammography, please advise a Fairfax medical malpractice attorney. You should order a cent and a free copy of our book, why the most medical errors never restore victims.
Find out more about Virginia misdiagnosis cases of breast cancer in our articles:
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