Driver kills pedestrian escape night club

3:59 Publicado por Mario Galarza

August 2011 - report 12, according to a man fleeing a nightclub hit and killed a pedestrian.

After San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department proposed a man and a 29-year-old wife, fleeing from a nightclub from a large group of people killed.

The nightclub is reportedly in Victorville and the accident caused the death of Mrs arrived at before 12:42 pm if disorder teaser night club sheriff's deputies respond to seventh Street.

The man, according to police statement the man fled from teaser the nightclub when being chased by a group of patrons. He got in his 2009 Dodge Charger and has been accelerated by the parking lot and was blocked by two other cars. Patrons of the disco began throwing bottles on his vehicle and jump on it, according to police. Of the drivers in reverse striking the woman speeds up.

After the accident, the driver that fires scene with bar security guard left several shots of the car. The vehicle was disabled several blocks away from the police found and the registered owner was involved in the death of the pedestrian not the driver. Police still the driver trying to determine the death of the 29 year-old wife d. was involved. This is a public service message from the pedestrian injury attorneys at Ehline law firm PC 198 North arrowhead Ave., San Bernardino, CA 92408 (909) 693-5417 been.

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