WSDOT worker pinned by his own truck collision | Seattle car crash lawyer

5:18 Publicado por Mario Galarza

As a lawyer Bellevue car accident knows I, how dangerous the streets for road crews can be. You are constantly brings to keep their lives in danger on our roads in safe driving condition, but many drivers do not understand how dangerous it is to be out there on the road.

A three-car collision left a Washington State-employee between his own truck more serious condition after he and a light pole. The victim, Terry Linder, worked for the Washington State Department of transportation and was performing maintenance on a traffic signal InCaminoIslandwhen, which collided a truck with a Honda Accord, veer to the right the truck and hit the Linder maintenance vehicle caused. Maintenance vehicle was then in turn in Linder, fasten it down.

While the driver of the pickup and the agreement suffered only minor injuries, suffered Linder great internal injuries and severe injuries to his leg. After the accident, Linder was at Harborview Medical Center, where as a write this, he is stable but remains in serious condition, transported and require surgery.

While it is very happy that Linder survives and is stable, this incident shows really how dangerous accidents to pedestrians can be auto or other victims, that the protection of a car lack. The national highway safety patrol statistics show that every year about four to five thousand, the pedestrian in car accidents are killed.

If you or a loved one in a car accident was injured, the driver who caused your accident can be held liable for your injuries. You deserve compensation for your medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering. Please contact the Seattle personal injury lawyers premier law group, PLLC today.

Tags: Bellevue-car accident lawyer, Camino Island Terry Linder accident, Seattle personal injury attorney, Terry Linder car accident, Terry Linder of own truck, Washington State Department of transportation Terry Linder, Wsdot workers fixed by truck fixed


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