How to Choose a Personal Injury Lawyer

23:55 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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Choosing a personal injury lawyer is often a critical decision that comes at a difficult time. After one has been injured in an accident, the natural reaction is to focus on healing and not put much thought into other choices. Unfortunately, one’s attorney selection can often make the difference between recovering financially and allowing the physical injury to be only a fraction of the impact on one’s life. The critical factors to consider are an attorney’s experience, integrity, and ability to relate and communicate with his or her clients. While the last factor may seem less important, it can be critical.

The Real Meaning of Experience

While it is easy to assume that a lawyer’s experience is simply measured by the number of years that he or she has been in practice, there is more to it. When dealing with personal injuries, it is important to determine how many years an attorney has been exposed to the specific injury that you have suffered. This means not only what part of your body has been affected, but the context in which you were injured. For example, a brain injury will have very specific medical evidence that a lawyer should be familiar with. Likewise, if you were injured in an industrial accident, this will have different specifics from an injury involving a commercial trucking company. In each instance, it important to find a lawyer that has experience that as closely as possible mirror your circumstances because then he or she will be familiar with the potential pitfalls and advantages. While this is not always possible, it is a prudent target.

Integrity and Personality

After being injured, it natural to be angry, and, in some cases, to think about revenge rather than fairness. One of a good lawyer’s traits will to be keep the client focused on justice. Those that even discuss retribution are more likely to be willing to bend the rules. This may seem appealing, but if unsuccessful, such a lawyer’s conduct may bar the client from recovering at all. It is important to seek a fair outcome that maximizes the benefit to the client, rather than going for revenge.

In addition to integrity, it is important that a client feel comfortable communicating with his or her lawyer. This will help ensure that details do not get missed, and that if the client must testify, the story evokes the true sense of the case most thoroughly. While this may seem either unimportant or obvious, it is often overlooked, and can be of critical importance.

For more information regarding personal injury claims contact – Connecticut Personal Injury Lawyer

Disclaimer: Nothing in the above should be construed as legal advice or should be relied on in lieu of seeking the advice of a licensed attorney. The author and publisher of the above information assumes no liability for anything contained in the above article.

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