Risks Associated with Surgical Mesh

5:55 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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Surgical Mesh LawyerUse of Surgical Mesh Products

Surgeons are increasingly using mesh products to reinforce weak tissue in patients suffering from hernias, pelvic organ prolapse, or stress incontinence. Unfortunately, these medical products may cause serious complications and require patients to undergo the expense and pain of further surgeries or medical treatment.

Complications Resulting from Mesh Products

A hernia occurs when an organ or tissue pushes through a hole or weak spot in surrounding muscle or connective tissue. Common types of hernias include inguinal hernias, incisional hernias, femoral hernias, umbilical hernias, and hiatal hernias. Pelvic organ prolapse is a specific type of hernia that often affects women after childbirth. With this type of hernia, one or more pelvic organs drop (prolapse) from their proper place, causing problems such as incontinence and pain.

The most commonly reported adverse reactions to mesh products used for hernia repair include intestinal loops adhering to each other or to the mesh. In addition, use of mesh products to treat hernias can cause injuries to neighboring organs, blood vessels, or nerves and can also lead to infection, pain, and recurrence of hernia. Many patients who experience complications from mesh products require surgery to treat the complications or remove the mesh. Two common surgical mesh products used to repair hernias are the Ethicon Prolene Hernia System and the Bard 3D Max Mesh.

Recent FDA Warning Regarding Mesh Products

On July 13, 2011, the FDA issued a warning stating that surgical mesh inserted through the vagina to repair pelvic organ prolapse may be riskier to patients than traditional surgery using stitches. Furthermore, the FDA found no clinical benefits to patients to warrant the increased risks of using mesh products. The FDA received 1503 reports of mesh product complications associated with pelvic organ prolapse between 2008 and 2010, which was five times the number of reports received the three previous years. According to the FDA, the most common reports of complications associated with the use of surgical mesh inserted transvaginally to treat pelvic organ prolapse included mesh protruding from vaginal tissue, perforation of organs by surgical tools used to insert mesh, pain, bleeding, infection, and recurrence of urinary problems.

Skilled Florida Mesh Product Defect Attorneys

If you have suffered a serious complication from surgery involving a surgical mesh product, you may be entitled to compensation for damages including medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. A personal injury attorney at Kelley/Uustal has extensive experience litigating mesh product and other medical product defect cases. We will work hard to get the justice you deserve. Call a personal injury lawyer at our firm today for a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION.

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