State Of Florida Investigates 411 Pain

8:54 Publicado por Mario Galarza

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WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Investigators for Florida State Attorney General Pam Bondi are investigating 411-Pain, a referral service know for its colorful advertising.  The civil investigation is focused on allegations of “deceptive and misleading advertising,” according to paperwork filed by the AG’s office.

Consumers who complained to the AG’s office said that instead of being referred first to a lawyer, they were instead directed to chiropractic clinics. By the time their cases were settled, most if not all of the money in the settlement had been used to pay the clinics, leaving little or no money for the victims, investigators allege.  The AG’s Economic Crimes Division in West Palm Beach is heading up the investigation.

It comes just months after three people filed a request for a class-action lawsuit against the company in the Broward County circuit court.  “There is nobody looking over their shoulders. They appear to be lawyers, but they are not,” said John Uustal, a personal injury lawyer representing the people who feel they were misled by the company.  Uustal said his clients were promised compensation for lost wages and other payments but some ended up oweing money to 411-PAIN. “I am shocked that there were not more complaints earlier about 411-PAIN,” said Uustal.

View the original article here

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